ClickReach Review: Cold Email Marketing Software 2023

Clickreach Review

Cold email marketing is a technique in which a business sends emails to prospective customers or clients who have not previously expressed interest in the company or its products or services. This type of marketing can effectively reach new audiences and generate leads, provided it is done ethically and respectfully.

There are several reasons why cold email marketing can be important for businesses:

  1. It can help businesses reach new audiences: Cold email marketing allows businesses to reach out to potential customers or clients who may not have heard of their company before. This can be especially useful for businesses looking to expand into new markets or target new demographics.
  2. It can be cost-effective: Cold email marketing can be a relatively cheap way to reach many people. Unlike traditional marketing methods, such as print or radio advertising, which can be expensive, cold email marketing can be done for a fraction of the cost.
  3. It can be highly targeted: Cold email marketing allows businesses to be particular about who they are targeting. By segmenting their email list, companies can send highly targeted emails to people most likely interested in their products or services.
  4. It can be easily measured: Cold email marketing campaigns can be easily tracked and measured, allowing businesses to see how effective their efforts are. This can help companies fine-tune their campaigns and improve their results.

Overall, cold email marketing can be an effective way for businesses to reach new audiences, generate leads, and grow their customer base. However, it is essential to follow best practices and be respectful of people’s time and inboxes to ensure that your cold email marketing efforts are successful.

Let’s Dive into this clickreach review.

What is clickreach?

Clickreach is a next-generation sales platform that makes it easy to connect with new prospects and customers. It helps businesses create hyper-personalized cold emails to start cold conversations that turn into more sales. With Clickreach, you can easily find the best email addresses for your target audience, personalize messages at an individual level, and then track engagement rates and results. The platform provides powerful algorithms to identify the right people in each company you should communicate with. You can also view detailed profiles of your prospects’ background information before sending them a message. Once you send out a cold email campaign via Clickreach, you will get real-time tracking on opens, clicks, and replies from recipients—so you know exactly who’s engaging with your message. This data will help inform future campaigns and drive better outcomes for each outreach effort.

YouTube video

Clickreach is Best for

  • Marketing agencies
  • Small businesses
  • Web design agencies

Clickreach Integrates with

  • Gmail
  • Office 365

Clickreach Alternative to

  • Lemlist
  • Mixmax

Can Clickreach cold email marketing Dodge the Spam Filter?

Cold Email marketing is essential for businesses to reach their target customers, but it’s no surprise that many emails sent can get stuck in spam filters. But with the help of Clickreach, businesses can easily ensure their emails make it through the filter. Clickreach is a robust optimization and conversion tool that helps businesses warm up their email addresses by sending out small emails over time to build trust within the mail system.

This helps establish a good sender reputation and ensures your email isn’t filtered into spam. With Clickreach, you can set up automated email warming campaigns to optimize your sender reputation on autopilot without worrying about your messages hitting spam filters or bouncing back from non-existent accounts. You can check their Clickreach Roadmap to know more.

How many data points can you tag?

Using tag data points in cold email marketing can be an effective way to personalize and tailor your email campaigns to your target audience. By adding tag data points to your emails, you can include relevant and specific information for the individual recipient, increasing the likelihood that they will be interested in your message and take action.

For example, if you are a B2B company selling marketing software, you could use tag data points to include the recipient’s job title, industry, or company size in your emails. This can help you create more targeted and relevant messaging, which can improve the effectiveness of your cold email campaigns.

It is essential to use tag data points respectfully and ethically and only to include information you have obtained through legal and legitimate means. Limiting the number of tag data points you use in your emails is also a good idea to avoid overwhelming the recipient or appearing spammy.

Clickreach has 25+ Predefined Data Points. Though you can add more by your needs.

How Many Contacts can you import into clickreach?

They are running an exclusive campaign in Appsumo, Where you can import unlimited contacts.

Clickreach Cold Email SoftwareSAASWEBCreate hyper-personalized cold emails and automate follow-ups that get replies like clockwork.5549USD


  • Lead Engine

    AI Lead Gen EngineThis is a feature that uses a large database of leads that you can search in real-time based on the niche you are trying to target and add directly to your email campaigns
  • Email Validation

    Remove bad lists from your list of emails,
    ensuring deliverability and reducing your email
    bounce rates.
  • Personalize Follow-Ups

    Create and launch effective cold email sequences,
    send unlimited follow-ups that are personal.


ClickReach is an excellent cold email marketing software for businesses of all sizes. It provides robust automation tools and numerous customization options to help you create effective cold emails with maximum efficiency. The detailed analytics and reporting features make it possible to track the performance of your campaigns and measure ROI, allowing you to optimize your email strategies continuously. Moreover, with its reasonable subscription plans and generous 14 days free trial period, ClickReach makes it easy for any business to get started with cold email marketing without breaking the bank.

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